Muthia is gujarati dish where grated/chopped vegetables are binded using flours .The dough is steamed and tempered in golden flames to give it a delectable touch.
Few months ago in my quest for healthiest delicacies I came across nutritious Muthia in
spusht blog. It literally filled me with amaze, it was a perfect amalgamation of taste and nutrition.
Later upon exploration of varieties of Muthia I tried my hand on finest of them.I must say Muthias are really tasty and one can't resist their taste buds without having whole chunk in a gulp.
These days Oats are my weapon to fight the lethargies of languid day( just to start the day on healthy side ;) ). Instead of having monotonous oats porridge daily, I tried out copious oats recipes just to get you guys this scintillating oats Muthia. This nutritious and unbelievably delicious recipe will no doubt make your fingers numb in quench to have every single bit of it .. do try and enjoy(you will never believe it's made of oats) :)